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Library co-working

Since 2024, a multifunctional Library co-working has been operating in the 16th building of the university (Видео). It was created on the site of lending for literature in foreign languages, which was combined with a study lending (building 3, room 132).

Library co-working is a place for intellectual, interethnic and cultural interaction.

Library co-working has become a space uniting the interests and activities of Russian and foreign students, graduate students, teachers and staff of Samara University.

On an area of 135 sq. m, with air conditioning, TV, computers, sockets for connecting and charging equipment, a marker board, flipcharts, information racks and racks are placed:

1) a meeting and presentation area for 10 people with a table, office chairs, a projector, screens and a speaker system - used for project presentations, joint solutions of various tasks, negotiations and discussions;

2) a comfortable communication area with a soft floor covering, coffee tables and 15 bag chairs, for group communication and meetings in an informal setting;

3) A BookCrossing rack with free book exchange publications separates these two areas for presentations and recreation;

4) two zones for individual work for 5 and 8 people are equipped with additional lamps;

5) a group work area with sofas and tables, for 14 people.

The entrance to the coworking is free from 8.00 to 22.00 from Monday to Saturday.

Student associations, university departments or groups of students can book their events by specifying the time in the calendar and by filling out the application/

If 15 or more people participate in the event, the hall may be closed to the public. English Speaking Club meetings are regularly held in the coworking space, the International Student Club "Sputnik", meetings of activists of faculties and institutes, seminars, webinars, master classes, trainings and preparation for competitions, video shooting and project protection, joint film screenings and discussions, social and educational games ("Mafia", "Who wants to become a millionaire", career guidance and board games).


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