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American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics дарит 10 бесплатных технических статей

This holiday season feels different than years past, but there are still reasons to celebrate. Our community has continued to innovate and advance the aerospace industry. This season, we’re happy to gift you with 10 free technical papers from 2020 AIAA forums and events, hand-selected by our team.

A Top-Down Methodology for Global Urban Air Mobility Demand Estimation

Cryogenic Fluid Management Technologies Enabling for the Artemis Program and Beyond

Development of an Efficient M=0.80 Transonic Truss-Braced Wing Aircraft

Dynamic Inversion based Full Envelope Flight Control for an eVTOL Vehicle using a Unified Framework

Integrated Propulsive and Thermal Management System Design for Optimal Hybrid Electric Aircraft Performance

Mars Ascent Vehicle Hybrid Propulsion Effort

Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Reusable Launch Vehicles

NASA's Space Launch System: Progress Toward Launch

On Deep Reinforcement Learning for Spacecraft Guidance

Representative Small UAS Trajectories for Encounter Modeling

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